CeramoSeal BC 2g - Made By Egypt
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CeramoSeal BC 2g

One component bioceramic sealer and MTA

Highly Radiopaque And Hydrophilic Sealer

Forms Hydroxyapatite

It Exhibits Absolutely Zero Shrinkage

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23,00 $

Ceramoseal Bc Sealer Utilizes The Moisture Naturally Present In The Dentinal Tubules To Initiate Its Setting Reaction. This Highly Radiopaque And Hydrophilic Sealer Forms Hydroxyapatite Upon Setting And Chemically Bonds Dentine And Gutta Percha Points. Ceramoseal Bc Is Biocompatible, Highly Radiopaque, With Ideal Working Time And Setting Time, Highly Alkaline Ph And Unlike Traditional Sealers, It Exhibits Absolutely Zero Shrinkage.

Made By Egypt
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